Invitation to Participate in a Research Study on Metaverse

PORI is working with Stanford University on a global research study to facilitate the policy development in the Metaverse. We now invite you as Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong residents of age 18 or above to join the study. Participants do NOT need to know much about Metaverse. We have a limited quota to be filled on first come first served basis. If selected, participating in the study will take around 13 hours, and you will receive HK$1,000 for your full participation. Details are as follows:

From now till Nov 30: Fill in pre-deliberation survey (takes around ~30 minutes)
Dec 10 (Sat) ~12-6pm: Participate in online deliberation (in Cantonese)
Dec 11 (Sun) ~12-6pm: Participate in online deliberation (in Cantonese)
After the deliberation event: Fill in post-deliberation survey (takes around ~30 minutes)

If you are interested in joining the study, please click here to fill in the pre-deliberation questionnaire. This link is for your use only, please do not share it.

Click to access the login or register cheese
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