

Special Announcement

(1) 香港民意研究所(香港民研)決定於下周三 (11月6日)中午舉辦第二次線上慎思民調,討論主題是由近 1,400 位民研群組成員於上周透過網上問卷投票選出,結果顯示「支援照顧者」(53.6%)是 最多人認為適合討論的主題,其次為「推動減廢回收」(52.0%)及「振興經濟」(51.0%)。民研跟隨民意,決定以「支援照顧者」為是次主題,明天會正式發函邀請群組成員參與是次慎思活動,希望有大約20 位成員能撥冗出席。

(2) 另外,民研決定在定期電話民調以外,就特定專題進行不定期網上調查,回應大眾當前的關注點、政府議程、國際視野等。第一個專題是政府近兩年力推的生育政策,調查已於 10 月 3 至 9 日完成,共收到近 2,500 個有效回應,反應熱烈。調查結果及分析自本周二(11月29日)起已透過社交媒體,陸續向公眾發表,希望能帶動社會深化討論,令議題更立體。

(3) 最後,民研宣佈即日起擱置多兩項定期調查,分別為「政治團體民望」及「紀律部隊民望」。連同7月宣佈擱置的「行政會議成員民望」、「六四事件」和「特區成立周年」,總共五項調查。民研會繼續根據市民興趣、研究價值、成本效益、會員意見、歷史價值、法律風險等六項因素決定其他調查項目會否繼續進行。

(1) Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has decided to hold its second online Deliberative Poll (e-DP) next Wednesday (November 6) at noon time. The discussion topic was chosen by nearly 1,400 PopPanel members through an online survey last week. Result showed “Support for carers” (53.6%) topped the list, followed by “Promoting waste reduction and recycling” (52.0%) and then “Economic revitalization” (51.0%). Following public opinion, HKPORI has decided to choose “Support for carers” as the topic this time. Tomorrow, members will be invited to sign up for this e-DP, we hope that around 20 members will participate.

(2) In addition to our regular telephone surveys, there will be irregular online surveys on topical issues of local and international concern. The first topic is on the fertility policies promoted by the government in the past two years. The survey was completed between October 3 and 9, with nearly 2,500 valid responses. Starting this Tuesday (November 29), findings and analyses would be released for public consumption through our social media platforms.

(3) Finally, HKPORI today announces the suspension of two more tracking surveys, namely “Popularity of Political Groups” and “Popularity of Disciplinary Forces”. Together with the “Popularity of Executive Councillors”, “June Fourth Incident” and “HKSAR Anniversary” surveys announced in July, there are a total of 5 suspended poll series. HKPORI will continue to use a basket of 6 factors, which include public’s expressed interest, research value, cost-effectiveness, members’ opinion, historical value, and legal risk to determine whether a tracking survey will be continued or not.



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