隨著最新一份《施政報告》的發表,香港民意研究所(香港民研)決定於11 月初舉辦第二次線上慎思民調,討論其中一項市民關心的重點政策。民研昨日(10月21日)已經發出電郵予民研組群成員,邀請他們選出適合討論的主題,當中包括扶貧、人口、經濟、房屋及環保等不同政策。截止今午一時,我們已收到近1,000 個回應,反應熱烈。預計下周一(10月28日)會正式發函邀請組群成員參與網上慎思討論。有關概念源自美國史丹福大學協商民主研究中心,詳情可參閱其網站。
Responding to the latest Policy Address, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) will organize its second online Deliberative Poll (e-DP) in early November. HKPORI has yesterday (October 21) sent emails to its POP Panel members, inviting them to select topics suitable for discussion, among poverty alleviation, population, economy, housing and environmental protection,and so on. As of 13:00 today, we have received nearly 1,000 responses. Next Monday (October 28), members will be invited to sign up for this e-DP. The DP concept was introduced by the Deliberative Democracy Lab at Stanford University. For more details, please see their website.