

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)的「第二代民情指數分析系列」旨在以二次數據分析顯示不同變 項對於民情的影響。首個發放周期於 2023 年 7 月初開始,分析範圍主要覆蓋 2018 至 2023 年 的數據 (公民社會活躍程度分析則由 2019 年開始),至今天已發放九個分析單元共 14 份報告, 餘下三個單元將於本年底前完成發佈。香港民研一直在整理過往 30 多年來的數據庫,長遠目 標為將 1992 年開始收集的民意數據分階段向全世界公開。而「第二代民情指數分析系列」的 第二個發放周期將由 2024 年 1 月開始,數據分析的主要覆蓋範圍將由 2018 年推前至 2007 年, 即包括 2007 至 2024 年的數據,預計於 6 個月內完成發放,然後再展開第三個周期,並將數據 的主要覆蓋範圍再推前至 1997 年。民研希望藉此揭示社會不同階層不同背景的市民自香港回 歸以來的長期民情變化。

The “Public Sentiment Index v2.0 (PSI v2.0) Analysis Series” by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) aims to use secondary data analysis to show the impact on public sentiment by using different variables. The first release cycle which started in early July 2023 mainly covers data from 2018 to 2023 (while that on activeness in civil society started from 2019). As of today, a total of 14 reports in 9 analysis modules have been released, and the release of the remaining 3 modules will be completed by the end of this year. HKPORI has been consolidating databases over the past 30 years, with the long-term goal of making public opinion data collected since 1992 available to the world in stages. The second release cycle of the “PSI v2.0 Analysis Series” will start from January 2024, and the main data coverage period will be pushed forward from 2018 to 2007, i.e., including data from 2007 to 2024, and is expected to be completed in 6 months. Then the third cycle will start, and the main data coverage period will be pushed forward to 1997. HKPORI hopes to use this to reveal the long-term changes in public sentiment among citizens from different social strata and backgrounds since the handover of Hong Kong.



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