

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)今年將繼續進行施政報告即時調查,並沿用隨機抽樣電話訪問(包 括固網和手機號碼)及意見群組網上調查的混合模式進行。目標對象由往年只涵蓋得悉報告內 容的香港市民,調整為不少於 500 個不論是否得悉報告內容的香港市民。調查將於 10 月 25 日 (星期三)進行,並於晚上約九時三十分公佈施政報告的評分及滿意程度,然後在星期四(10 月 26 日)下午舉行發佈會,詳細公佈及討論所有結果。媒體如有興趣贊助並優先獲得結果, 歡迎電郵 [email protected] 查詢。 另外,香港民研將於下星期試驗以隨機抽樣方式透過電話短訊邀請市民參與網上調查,探討相 關研究方法現時在香港的可行性。調查網址將以 s2.pori.hk 作為開頭,希望被抽中的市民踴躍 參與。

Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) will continue to conduct Policy Address Instant Survey this year, using a mixed mode of random telephone interviews (including both landline and mobile samples) and online survey with panel members. The target population will be adjusted from Hong Kong residents who have heard of the PA only to all Hong Kong residents, irrespective of whether they have heard of the PA, with no less than 500 successful cases. We will conduct the survey on Oct 25 (Wednesday) and release the results of the PA rating and satisfaction rate at around 9:30pm that evening. We will then hold a press conference on Thursday (Oct 26) afternoon to release and discuss all results in details. Media who are interested to sponsor our operation in exchange for early use of the findings, please contact us at [email protected]. Besides, HKPORI will experiment to invite a random sample of Hong Kong people via SMS to participate in our online survey next week, in order to study the feasibility of using this new research method in Hong Kong. The link to the survey will start with s2.pori.hk, we hope those who are randomly sampled will actively participate in this experiment.



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Questionnaire Design
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