

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)上周四正式啟動「香港民研數據查冊平台」付費部分,各界人士 可以在平台上查閱及選購民研今年五月至七月期間進行的定期調查結果。目前平台共列出 104 條調查問題,當中包括 38 條供市民免費下載,另有 16 條有關「身份認同感」系列的收費問題, 市民可以點擊民研網站右上角的「平台」,快速查閱「身份認同感」的問卷題目,根據興趣按 「+」號把問題儲存至「購物車」。在填妥個人資料後,用戶需確認不會把資料用作非法用途, 然後按下「繼續訂單」。當所有資料被確認,用戶將可下載包括問題及其結果中英文版、調查 資料(如樣本數目、抽樣方式)和受訪者背景(如年齡、教育程度)的檔案文件(Excel 格式)。 香港民研重申收費需要考慮研究成本,而平台並非以賺錢為目標。香港民研會要求所有查冊人 士,承諾不會把所獲資料轉送或轉售給任何人士。查詢電郵:[email protected]

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has officially launched the paid part of its “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System” last Thursday, which allows public members to access and purchase the results of our regular surveys conducted between May and July this year. There are currently 104 survey questions listed on the platform, including 38 questions for free download and 16 questions related to “People’s Ethnic Identity” series for sale. People can click on the “platform” at the top right corner of our homepage to quickly access our “Ethnic Identity” questions, then press “+” to save items to the “Shopping cart”. After filling in their personal information, users must declare that they will not use the data for any illegal purposes before proceeding to “continue order”. When all information is confirmed, users can download an Excel file which includes the Chinese and English versions of the questions and results, contact information (e.g., sample size and sampling method), and respondents’ demographic profile (e.g., distributions of age and education level). HKPORI reiterates that cost recovery is the main factor for its price-setting, not profit making. HKPORI requires all data acquirers to pledge that they will not transfer or resell the information to anyone. For enquiries, please email to [email protected].



The success of HKPORI requires the support of our civil society in the forms of volunteerism, membership and sponsorship.


Professional Customized Research Services


With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
Other Professional Services