

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)早前已經啟動「香港民研數據查冊平台」免費下載部分,今日再 啟動付費部分,各界人士可以在平台上查閱及選購民研今年五月至七月期間進行的定期調查結 果,部分免費,部分收費,部分尚未推出市場。收費項目暫時只有六月份巿民身份認同感的調 查數字,免費項目則包括所有在五月至七月期間經已公開發表的調查數字,而之前的示範數字 已經移除。我們會在平台上陸續增加更多調查項目及加長覆蓋年份,供查冊人士選購。香港民 研會要求所有查冊人士,承諾不會把所獲資料,不論收費或免費,用作非法用途,亦不會轉送 或轉售給任何人士。查詢電郵:[email protected]

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has already launched the free download part of its Poll Data Enquiry System some time ago, today we officially launch the paid part as well, where all public members can access and purchase the results of our regular surveys conducted between May and July this year. Some are free of charge, some are paid items, and some are yet to be released to the market. For the time being, only findings from our June survey on people’s ethnic identity are put on sale. All published surveys conducted from May to July can be downloaded free of charge, and findings previously put there for demonstration purpose have been removed. We will gradually add more survey items to the platform, as well as to extend the period of coverage, in order to give more choices to our data enquirers. HKPORI requires all data acquirers, whether they have obtained the information for a fee or free of charge, to pledge that they will not use it for illegal purposes, and not to transfer or resell it to any person. Please contact [email protected] for more details.



The success of HKPORI requires the support of our civil society in the forms of volunteerism, membership and sponsorship.


Professional Customized Research Services


With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
Other Professional Services