

Special Announcement


Our research team was founded in June, while our Institute became independent in July. We also set May 4 to be our Foundation Day. Thus, every year from May to July, we review and brainstorm our future development. This year is no exception, especially when we are about to finish our “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review”. We need to examine the demand for public opinion data, the historical development of Hong Kong society, and the role of HKPORI in promoting science and democracy. In May this year, our President has already forecasted that the historical and global positioning of HKPORI would change again. In early June, we announced that we would cut down our self-funded data collection activities, step up our secondary data analysis, and also adjust the scope of our tracking surveys in terms of topic and release format. Today, near the end of our review process, we have tentatively decided to cancel about one-fourth of our regular survey questions, and about one-third of the remaining questions will be used for internal reference, academic research and commissioned services, instead of free releases. These topics tentatively cover our handover series, ethnic identity, cross-strait issues, global awareness, June Fourth Incident, Councillor ratings, disciplinary forces and some social indicators. We will finalize the list by the end of this month and announce it in July. Meanwhile we are setting up an academic research team to develop our secondary data studies, in order to make better use of the data collected over the past 30 years or so. People from all walks of life, especially HKPORI subscribers, are welcome to contact us on how to use our unpublished data legally for collaborative projects or commissioned studies, in order to promote civic education and empirical-based professional analysis. We will set up a system for such data access later, we welcome email enquiries and will answer them one by one openly online.



The success of HKPORI requires the support of our civil society in the forms of volunteerism, membership and sponsorship.


Professional Customized Research Services


With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
Other Professional Services