

Latest Progress Update of HKPORI

1) 生育專題:自10月底推出以「香港下一代?」為題的民調專題以來,香港民研已透過社交平台發放6個相關貼文。最新發現,港人主要透過工作、親友結識伴侶,三分一20 至 49 歲的單身港人不曾拍拖,而最不想生小朋友的是公屋戶。民研認為政府要提高生育率,應先了解年青人對拍拖、結婚、生育的觀念有甚麼變化,才能對症下藥。

2) 慎思民調:關於照顧者政策的慎思民調已經順利完成,正進行數據分析及報告撰寫,將於11月28日舉行新聞發佈會,由劉慧卿主持。希望透過是次慎思活動讓人對照顧者支援政策有更深入的理解,並能提出具體的政策方向。

3) 科普文章 :於美國總統大選期間,民研亦先後發表了2篇科普文章貼文,嘗試用一些淺白語言把民調知識和國際視野帶入公眾討論。

4) 會員制度:民研決定於2025年開始設立客席專欄,目前已成功邀請兩位知名學者/時事評論員參與,將分為會員專屬、會員優先及會員互動等項目。詳情會陸續公佈,敬請留意。

1) Fertility Survey: Since HKPORI launched its fertility surveys under the theme of “Hong Kong’s Next Generation?” in October, it has already released 6 social-media posts on the topic. They show that people mainly met their partners at work or through friends, 1/3 of marriageable singles aged 20-49 said they never dated, while most public housing tenants do not want to have children. HKPORI suggests the government to understand our youth culture more before prescribing remedies.

2) Deliberative Poll: The e-DP on “Support for Carers” has proceeded to data analysis and report compilation. A press conference will be held on November 28, to be moderated by Emily Lau. HKPORI hopes this deliberation activity can help to generate good carer support policies.

3) Popular Science Article: During the recent USA elections, HKPOPI has published 2 articles to promote the science of opinion research, and to bring in more international perspectives to Hong Kong.

4) Membership System: Starting from 2025, HKPORI will establish a guest column for interactive, priority or exclusive use by members. Two renowned academics/commentators have already come on board. More details will be announced.



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