2020年12月1日香港民意研究所發佈會 – 傳媒參考資料
2020年12月1日 新聞公報
調查日期 | : | 23-26/11/2020 |
調查方法 | : | 由真實訪問員進行隨機抽樣電話訪問 |
訪問對象 | : | 18歲或以上操粵語的香港居民 |
成功樣本數目[1] | : | 1,085 (包括540個固網及545個手機樣本) |
實效回應比率 | : | 74.6% |
抽樣誤差[2] | : | 在95%置信水平下,百分比誤差不超過+/-4%,淨值誤差不超過+/-8%,評分誤差不超過+/-2.1 |
加權方法 | : | 按照政府統計處提供的統計數字以「反覆多重加權法」作出調整。全港人口年齡及性別分佈統計數字來自《二零一九年年中人口數字》,而教育程度(最高就讀程度)及經濟活動身分統計數字則來自《香港的女性及男性 - 主要統計數字》(2019年版)。 |
[1] 數字為調查的總樣本數目,個別題目則可能只涉及次樣本。有關數字請參閱下列數表內列出的樣本數目。
[2] 此公報中所有誤差數字均以95%置信水平計算。95%置信水平,是指倘若以不同隨機樣本重複進行有關調查100次,則95次各自計算出的誤差範圍會包含人口真實數字。由於調查數字涉及抽樣誤差,傳媒引用百分比數字時,應避免使用小數點,在引用評分數字時,則可以使用一個小數點。
調查日期 | 31/8-4/9/20 | 21-24/9/20 | 5-8/10/20 | 19-22/10/20 | 9-13/11/20 | 23-26/11/20[3] | 最新變化 |
樣本數目 | 1,007 | 1,013 | 1,002 | 1,020 | 1,005 | 1,085 | -- |
回應比率 | 58.4% | 61.5% | 62.8% | 62.2% | 63.9% | 74.6% | -- |
最新結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果及 誤差 |
-- |
特首林鄭月娥評分 | 28.1 | 27.5 | 28.6 | 27.2 | 30.8[4] | 33.5+/-2.1 | +2.7 |
林鄭月娥出任特首支持率 | 21% | 17% | 18% | 18% | 21% | 21+/-3% | -- |
林鄭月娥出任特首反對率 | 69% | 71% | 72% | 74% | 69%[4] | 66+/-3% | -3% |
支持率淨值 | -48% | -53% | -53% | -56% | -48%[4] | -45+/-5% | +4% |
[3] 香港民研在兩次定期評分之間,在25/11/2020進行了施政報告即時調查,結果是特首評分26.8分,特首支持率淨值負57個百分點。由於定期評分調查不設網上調查部分,而調查亦在施政報告前兩天開始,因此數字適宜與上次於9-13/11/2020進行的定期調查比較。
[4] 該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。
調查日期 | 15-18/6/20 | 20-24/7/20 | 17-20/8/20 | 21-24/9/20 | 19-22/10/20 | 23-26/11/20 | 最新變化 |
樣本數目 | 620-629 | 611-615 | 587-677 | 589-695 | 624-637 | 518-529 | -- |
回應比率 | 54.1% | 62.5% | 60.9% | 61.5% | 62.2% | 74.6% | -- |
最新結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果及 誤差 |
-- |
特區政府表現滿意率[5] | 17% | 19% | 20% | 17% | 17% | 19+/-3% | +2% |
特區政府表現不滿率[5] | 71% | 65%[6] | 65% | 63% | 69%[6] | 62+/-4% | -6%[6] |
滿意率淨值 | -54% | -46% | -45% | -46% | -52% | -43+/-7% | +9% |
平均量值[5] | 1.9 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.1+/-0.1 | +0.2[6] |
信任特區政府比率[5] | 27% | 25% | 30% | 27% | 26% | 30+/-4% | +3% |
不信任特區政府比率[5] | 59% | 61% | 59% | 55% | 61%[6] | 49+/-4% | -12%[6] |
信任淨值 | -32% | -35% | -29% | -28% | -35% | -20+/-8% | +15%[6] |
平均量值[5] | 2.3 | 2.2 | 2.4 | 2.4 | 2.3 | 2.5+/-0.1 | +0.3[6] |
[5] 數字採自五等量尺。平均量值是把答案按照正面程度,以1分最低5分最高量化成為1、2、3、4、5分,再求取樣本平均數值。
[6] 該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。
調查日期 | 15-18/6/20 | 20-24/7/20 | 17-20/8/20 | 21-24/9/20 | 19-22/10/20 | 23-26/11/20 | 最新變化 |
樣本數目 | 1,002 | 1,029 | 1,020 | 1,013 | 1,020 | 1085 | -- |
回應比率 | 54.1% | 62.5% | 60.9% | 61.5% | 62.2% | 74.6% | -- |
最新結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果及 誤差 |
-- |
現時民生狀況滿意率[7] | 12% | 15%[8] | 12%[8] | 13% | 14% | 15+/-2% | +2% |
現時民生狀況不滿率[7] | 66%[8] | 66% | 70% | 64%[8] | 67% | 61+/-3% | -6%[8] |
滿意率淨值 | -54%[8] | -51% | -57%[8] | -51% | -54% | -46+/-5% | +7%[8] |
平均量值[7] | 2.1[8] | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.2+/-0.1 | +0.1[8] |
現時政治狀況滿意率[7] | 3% | 8%[8] | 9% | 9% | 9% | 15+/-2% | +7%[8] |
現時政治狀況不滿率[7] | 84%[8] | 78%[8] | 77% | 73%[8] | 75% | 66+/-3% | -9%[8] |
滿意率淨值 | -81%[8] | -70%[8] | -68% | -65% | -66% | -50+/-5% | +16%[8] |
平均量值[7] | 1.5[8] | 1.6[8] | 1.7 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 2.0+/-0.1 | +0.3[8] |
現時經濟狀況滿意率[7] | 12% | 13% | 10% | 12% | 9% | 10+/-2% | +1% |
現時經濟狀況不滿率[7] | 64%[8] | 64% | 71%[8] | 69% | 70% | 64+/-3% | -6%[8] |
滿意率淨值 | -52%[8] | -52% | -61%[8] | -57% | -61% | -53+/-4% | +7%[8] |
平均量值[7] | 2.2[8] | 2.1 | 2.0[8] | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.1+/-0.1 | +0.2[8] |
[7] 數字採自五等量尺。平均量值是把答案按照正面程度,以1分最低5分最高量化成為1、2、3、4、5分,再求取樣本平均數值。
[8] 該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。
調查日期 | 14-21/6/18 | 17-20/12/18 | 24-28/10/19 | 14-17/4/20 | 23-26/11/20 | 最新變化 |
樣本數目[9] | 588-666 | 512-540 | 519 | 582-617 | 516-523 | -- |
回應比率 | 59.6% | 60.6% | 68.3% | 64.5% | 74.6% | -- |
最新結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果 | 結果及 誤差 |
-- |
處理與中央政府關係:滿意率[10] | 52% | 56% | 17%[11] | 23%[11] | 33+/-4% | +10%[11] |
處理與中央政府關係:不滿率[10] | 33%[11] | 26%[11] | 60%[11] | 59% | 49+/-4% | -11%[11] |
滿意率淨值 | 19% | 31%[11] | -43%[11] | -36% | -16+/-8% | +20%[11] |
平均量值[10] | 3.2 | 3.4[11] | 2.1[11] | 2.2 | 2.6+/-0.1 | +0.4[11] |
維護人權自由表現:滿意率[10] | 36% | 35% | 22%[11] | 24% | 31+/-4% | +6%[11] |
維護人權自由表現:不滿率[10] | 49%[11] | 46% | 67%[11] | 63% | 52+/-4% | -11%[11] |
滿意率淨值 | -13% | -11% | -45%[11] | -39% | -21+/-8% | +17%[11] |
平均量值[10] | 2.7 | 2.7 | 2.0[11] | 2.2 | 2.4+/-0.1 | +0.2[11] |
維持經濟繁榮表現:滿意率[10] | 46% | 48% | 14%[11] | 24%[11] | 19+/-3% | -5%[11] |
維持經濟繁榮表現:不滿率[10] | 35%[11] | 31% | 68%[11] | 59%[11] | 56+/-4% | -4% |
滿意率淨值 | 10%[11] | 17% | -54%[11] | -35%[11] | -37+/-7% | -2% |
平均量值[10] | 3.0 | 3.1 | 2.0[11] | 2.4[11] | 2.3+/-0.1 | -- |
推行民主步伐:滿意率[10] | 29% | 34% | 15%[11] | 21%[11] | 21+/-4% | -- |
推行民主步伐:不滿率[10] | 55%[11] | 50% | 70%[11] | 64%[11] | 60+/-4% | -4% |
滿意率淨值 | -26%[11] | -16% | -55%[11] | -43%[11] | -39+/-7% | +4% |
平均量值[10] | 2.4[11] | 2.6 | 1.9[11] | 2.1[11] | 2.1+/-0.1 | +0.1 |
改善民生表現:滿意率[10] | 34%[11] | 33% | 15%[11] | 23%[11] | 18+/-3% | -5%[11] |
改善民生表現:不滿率[10] | 47%[11] | 46% | 72%[11] | 62%[11] | 59+/-4% | -3% |
滿意率淨值 | -13%[11] | -13% | -57%[11] | -39%[11] | -41+/-7% | -2% |
平均量值[10] | 2.7[11] | 2.7 | 1.9[11] | 2.3[11] | 2.2+/-0.1 | -- |
[9] 民研計劃在2020年3月前彙報的次樣本數目為加權數字,2020年3月開始則以原始數字彙報。
[10] 數字採自五等量尺。平均量值是把答案按照正面程度,以1分最低5分最高量化成為1、2、3、4、5分,再求取樣本平均數值。
[11] 該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。
![]() |
最新數值 | 民情指數:68.8 (+11.2) | 政評數值:71.7 (+7.9) | 社評數值:65.3 (+12.1) |
截數日期 | 4/9/20 | 24/9/20 | 8/10/20 | 22/10/20 | 13/11/20 | 26/11/20 | 最新變化 |
民情指數 | 57.9 | 60.8 | 61.1 | 56.2 | 57.6 | 68.8 | +11.2 |
政評數值 | 65.2 | 65.2 | 65.8 | 61.2 | 63.8 | 71.7 | +7.9 |
特首評分 | 28.1 | 27.5 | 28.6 | 27.2 | 30.8 | 33.5 | +2.7 |
特首民望淨值 | -48% | -53% | -53% | -56% | -48% | -45% | +4% |
政府滿意程度平均量值 | 2.1[10] | 2.1 | 2.1[10] | 2.0 | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | +0.2 |
政府信任程度平均量值 | 2.4[10] | 2.4 | 2.4[10] | 2.3 | 2.3[10] | 2.5 | +0.3 |
社評數值 | 52.2[10] | 57.4 | 57.4[10] | 53.2 | 53.2[10] | 65.3 | +12.1 |
政治狀況滿意程度 | 1.7[10] | 1.7 | 1.7[10] | 1.7 | 1.7[10] | 2.0 | +0.3 |
政治狀況成份指標權數 | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | -- |
經濟狀況滿意程度 | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | 2.1[10] | 2.0 | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | +0.2 |
經濟狀況成份指標權數 | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | -- |
民生狀況滿意程度 | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | 2.1[10] | 2.0 | 2.0[10] | 2.2 | +0.1 |
民生狀況成份指標權數 | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | -- |
[12] 當有關數字沒有更新時,民研計劃會採用最近一次已公佈的數字替代。
指數得分 | 百分位數 | 指數得分 | 百分位數 |
140-200 | 最高1% | 0-60 | 最低1% |
125 | 最高5% | 75 | 最低5% |
120 | 最高10% | 80 | 最低10% |
110 | 最高25% | 90 | 最低25% |
100為正常數值,即半數在上,半數在下 |
26/11/20 | 教育局宣布改革通識教育科 |
25/11/20 | 林鄭月娥發表施政報告 |
24/11/20 | 政府宣布收緊防疫措施,強制公眾場所展示安心出行二維碼 |
21/11/20 | 警方以涉嫌違反國安法資助分裂國家罪拘捕網台主持等3人 |
19/11/20 | 高等法院裁定警察不展示個人編號違反人權法 |
14/11/20 | 政府宣布收緊防疫措施,推行強制檢測 |
11/11/20 | 人大常委取消4名民主派立法會議員資格 |
1/11/20 | 警方以涉嫌違反權力及特權法拘捕6名民主派議員 |
31/10/20 | 七名8.31暴動案被告被裁定無罪 |
21/10/20 | 國泰航空大規模裁員,停運國泰港龍 |
12/10/20 | 林鄭月娥押後施政報告 |
10/10/20 | 警方以涉嫌協助現被關押深圳的12名港人偷渡拘捕9人 |
6/10/20 | 教育局以專業失德為由取消一名小學教師註冊 |
1/10/20 | 警方於銅鑼灣等各區拘捕最少86名示威者 |
30/9/20 | 駱惠寧、董建華及香港高官慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十一周年 |
22/9/20 | 警方修改《警察通例》下「傳媒代表」定義 |
21/9/20 | 匯豐控股股價創25年新低 |
14/9/20 | 178萬人參與普及社區檢測計劃,發現32宗新個案 |
11/9/20 | 死因庭陪審團裁定陳彥霖死因存疑 |
10/9/20 | 警方以在買賣壹傳媒股票時涉嫌詐騙及洗黑錢拘捕15人 |
27/8/20 | 中國海警於8月23日截獲赴台快艇,拘捕12名香港青年 |
26/8/20 | 警方就7.21事件以暴動罪拘捕13名白衣人以外人士 |
25/8/20 | 政府宣布放寬防疫措施 |
19/8/20 | 香港失業率升至6.1% |
18/8/20 | 政府公布第二期保就業計劃 |
11/8/20 | 人大常委決定現屆立法會繼續履行職責不少於一年 |
10/8/20 | 警方引用國安法搜查壹傳媒,並拘捕黎智英及周庭等人 |
8/8/20 | 香港政府發表聲明譴責美國制裁11名中港官員 |
31/7/20 | 政府押後立法會選舉一年 |
30/7/20 | 12名民主派人士被裁定立法會選舉提名無效 |
29/7/20 | 全日禁止堂食規定實施,不少人於街邊用膳 |
28/7/20 | 香港大學校務委員會決定即時解僱戴耀廷 |
27/7/20 | 政府收緊限聚令至2人並宣布全日禁止堂食 |
19/7/20 | 政府宣布部分公務員在家工作,市民在室內公共場所必須戴口罩 |
15/7/20 | 美國總統特朗普簽署《香港自治法案》 |
13/7/20 | 政府收緊限聚令至4人並禁止晚市堂食 |
5/7/20 | 香港再出現本地感染新冠肺炎個案 |
4/7/20 | 公共圖書館將最少9本政治書下架等候覆檢 |
1/7/20 | 七一示威中十人被指違反國安法被捕 |
30/6/20 | 國安法獲通過並生效 |
16/6/20 | 政府放寬限聚令至50人 |
9/6/20 | 政府宣布向國泰航空注資273億免其倒閉 |
8/6/20 | 政府公布發放一萬元現金安排 |
4/6/20 | 六四悼念活動於多區進行 |
2/6/20 | 香港再出現本地感染新冠肺炎個案,限聚令延長14日 |
29/5/20 | 特朗普公布有關中國及香港的新措施,並指中國以「一國一制」取代「一國兩制」 |
27/5/20 | 反國歌法及國安法示威中逾360人被捕 |
24/5/20 | 反國安法遊行於港島舉行,逾180人被捕 |
21/5/20 | 全國人大將審議港區國安法 |
16/5/20 | 考評局通識科兩經理辭職 |
15/5/20 | 監警會發表報告指沒有任何證據顯示8.31太子站事件中有人死亡 |
13/5/20 | 香港新增2宗本地感染之新冠肺炎個案,失守23日本地零確診 |
12/5/20 | 政府放寬保就業計劃申請條件 |
8/5/20 | 立法會內會發生衝突,11名民主派議員被逐離場 |
4/5/20 | 香港第一季本地生產總值按年下跌8.9% |
3/5/20 | 政府將派發可重用口罩 |
21/4/20 | 港澳辦刊登多篇聲明批評郭榮鏗 |
18/4/20 | 李柱銘、黎智英等15名民主派人士被捕 |
14/4/20 | 林鄭月娥指港澳辦及中聯辦沒有干預香港事務 |
Dec 01, 2020
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute Press Conference – Press Materials
Press Conference Live
Press Release on December 1, 2020
POP releases popularities of CE and SAR Government,
people’s appraisal of policy areas of the government
and Public Sentiment Index
Special Announcement
The predecessor of Hong Kong Public Opinion Program (HKPOP) was The Public Opinion Programme at The University of Hong Kong (HKUPOP). “POP” in this release can refer to HKPOP or its predecessor HKUPOP.
POP successfully interviewed 1,085 Hong Kong residents by random telephone survey conducted by real interviewers in late November. Our survey shows that the popularity rating of CE Carrie Lam now stands at 33.5 marks. Her net popularity is negative 45 percentage points. These figures have not changed much from half a month ago, but the rating has registered a new high since early June 2019 when the anti-extradition bill movement started. The latest net satisfaction of the HKSAR Government stands at negative 43 percentage points while the net trust value is negative 20 percentage points, up significantly by 15 percentage points, both net figures have registered new record high since May 2019. People’s net satisfaction rates with the current livelihood, political and economic conditions are negative 46, negative 50 and negative 53 percentage points respectively, all with significant increment since a month ago. Among them, the net satisfaction rate of the political condition has even registered a new high since April 2019. The latest net satisfaction rates of all five specific policy areas of the HKSAR Government are negative. The net satisfaction rates of the government’s performance in handling its relation with the Central Government, protecting human rights and freedom, maintaining economic prosperity, its pace of democratic development and improving people’s livelihood are negative 16, negative 21, negative 37, negative 39 and negative 41 percentage points respectively. Among them, the net satisfaction rates in handling its relation with the Central Government and protecting human rights and freedom have significantly increased by 20 and 17 percentage points respectively. As for the PSI, the latest figure is 68.8, up by 11.2 points from early November. The effective response rate of the survey is 74.6%. The maximum sampling error of percentages is +/-4%, that of net values is +/-8% and that of ratings is +/-2.1 at 95% confidence level.
Contact Information
Date of survey | : | 23-26/11/2020 |
Survey method | : | Random telephone survey conducted by real interviewers |
Target population | : | Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above |
Sample size[1] | : | 1,085 (including 540 landline and 545 mobile samples) |
Effective response rate | : | 74.6% |
Sampling error[2] | : | Sampling error of percentages not more than +/-4%, that of net values not more than +/-8% and that of ratings not more than +/-2.1 at 95% conf. level |
Weighting method | : | Rim-weighted according to figures provided by the Census and Statistics Department. The gender-age distribution of the Hong Kong population came from “Mid-year population for 2019”, while the educational attainment (highest level attended) distribution and economic activity status distribution came from “Women and Men in Hong Kong - Key Statistics (2019 Edition)”. |
[1] This figure is the total sample size of the survey. Some questions may only involve a subsample, the size of which can be found in the tables below.
[2] All error figures in this release are calculated at 95% confidence level. “95% confidence level” means that if we were to repeat a certain survey 100 times with different random samples, we would expect 95 times having the population parameter within the respective error margins calculated. Because of sampling errors, when quoting percentages, journalists should refrain from reporting decimal places, whereas one decimal place can be used when quoting rating figures.
Popularity of CE and SAR Government
Recent popularity figures of CE Carrie Lam are summarized as follows:
Date of survey | 31/8-4/9/20 | 21-24/9/20 | 5-8/10/20 | 19-22/10/20 | 9-13/11/20 | 23-26/11/20[3] | Latest change |
Sample size | 1,007 | 1,013 | 1,002 | 1,020 | 1,005 | 1,085 | -- |
Response rate | 58.4% | 61.5% | 62.8% | 62.2% | 63.9% | 74.6% | -- |
Latest findings | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding & error | -- |
Rating of CE Carrie Lam | 28.1 | 27.5 | 28.6 | 27.2 | 30.8[4] | 33.5+/-2.1 | +2.7 |
Vote of confidence in CE Carrie Lam |
21% | 17% | 18% | 18% | 21% | 21+/-3% | -- |
Vote of no confidence in CE Carrie Lam |
69% | 71% | 72% | 74% | 69%[4] | 66+/-3% | -3% |
Net approval rate | -48% | -53% | -53% | -56% | -48%[4] | -45+/-5% | +4% |
[3] POP conducted a Policy Address instant survey on 25/11/2020 in between two tracking surveys, the results are: CE rating at 26.8 marks, net approval rate at negative 57 percentage points. Because our tracking surveys do not use online samples, and our latest survey started two days before the Policy Address, it is better to compare the latest figures with those collected in our previous survey conducted on 9-13/11/2020.
[4] The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.
Recent popularity figures of the HKSAR Government are summarized as follows:
Date of survey | 15-18/6/20 | 20-24/7/20 | 17-20/8/20 | 21-24/9/20 | 19-22/10/20 | 23-26/11/20 | Latest change |
Sample size | 620-629 | 611-615 | 587-677 | 589-695 | 624-637 | 518-529 | -- |
Response rate | 54.1% | 62.5% | 60.9% | 61.5% | 62.2% | 74.6% | -- |
Latest findings | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding & error | -- |
Satisfaction rate of SARG performance[5] | 17% | 19% | 20% | 17% | 17% | 19+/-3% | +2% |
Dissatisfaction rate of SARG performance[5] | 71% | 65%[6] | 65% | 63% | 69%[6] | 62+/-4% | -6%[6] |
Net satisfaction rate | -54% | -46% | -45% | -46% | -52% | -43+/-7% | +9% |
Mean value[5] | 1.9 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.1+/-0.1 | +0.2[6] |
Trust in HKSAR Government[5] | 27% | 25% | 30% | 27% | 26% | 30+/-4% | +3% |
Distrust in HKSAR Government[5] | 59% | 61% | 59% | 55% | 61%[6] | 49+/-4% | -12%[6] |
Net trust | -32% | -35% | -29% | -28% | -35% | -20+/-8% | +15%[6] |
Mean value[5] | 2.3 | 2.2 | 2.4 | 2.4 | 2.3 | 2.5+/-0.1 | +0.3[6] |
[5] Collapsed from a 5-point scale. The mean value is calculated by quantifying all individual responses into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 marks according to their degree of positive level, where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest, and then calculate the sample mean.
[6] The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.
People’s recent appraisals of society’s conditions are summarized as follows:
Date of survey | 15-18/6/20 | 20-24/7/20 | 17-20/8/20 | 21-24/9/20 | 19-22/10/20 | 23-26/11/20 | Latest change |
Sample size | 1,002 | 1,029 | 1,020 | 1,013 | 1,020 | 1085 | -- |
Response rate | 54.1% | 62.5% | 60.9% | 61.5% | 62.2% | 74.6% | -- |
Latest findings | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding & error | -- |
Current livelihood condition: Satisfaction rate[7] |
12% | 15%[8] | 12%[8] | 13% | 14% | 15+/-2% | +2% |
Current livelihood condition: Dissatisfaction rate[7] |
66%[8] | 66% | 70% | 64%[8] | 67% | 61+/-3% | -6%[8] |
Net satisfaction rate | -54%[8] | -51% | -57%[8] | -51% | -54% | -46+/-5% | +7%[8] |
Mean value[7] | 2.1[8] | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.2+/-0.1 | +0.1[8] |
Current political condition: Satisfaction rate[7] |
3% | 8%[8] | 9% | 9% | 9% | 15+/-2% | +7%[8] |
Current political condition: Dissatisfaction rate[7] |
84%[8] | 78%[8] | 77% | 73%[8] | 75% | 66+/-3% | -9%[8] |
Net satisfaction rate | -81%[8] | -70%[8] | -68% | -65% | -66% | -50+/-5% | +16%[8] |
Mean value[7] | 1.5[8] | 1.6[8] | 1.7 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 2.0+/-0.1 | +0.3[8] |
Current economic condition: Satisfaction rate[7] |
12% | 13% | 10% | 12% | 9% | 10+/-2% | +1% |
Current economic condition: Dissatisfaction rate[7] |
64%[8] | 64% | 71%[8] | 69% | 70% | 64+/-3% | -6%[8] |
Net satisfaction rate | -52%[8] | -52% | -61%[8] | -57% | -61% | -53+/-4% | +7%[8] |
Mean value[7] | 2.2[8] | 2.1 | 2.0[8] | 2.1 | 2.0 | 2.1+/-0.1 | +0.2[8] |
[7] Collapsed from a 5-point scale. The mean value is calculated by quantifying all individual responses into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 marks according to their degree of positive level, where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest, and then calculate the sample mean.
[8] The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.
Our latest survey shows that the popularity rating of CE Carrie Lam now stands at 33.5 marks. Her approval rate is 21%, disapproval rate 66%, giving a net popularity of negative 45 percentage points. All popularity figures have not changed much from half a month ago, but the rating has registered new record high since early June 2019 when the anti-extradition bill movement started.
Regarding the HKSAR Government, the latest satisfaction rate is 19%, whereas 62% were dissatisfied, thus net satisfaction stands at negative 43 percentage points. The mean score is 2.1, meaning close to “quite dissatisfied” in general. Regarding people’s trust in the HKSAR Government, 30% of the respondents expressed trust, 49% expressed distrust, thus the net trust value is negative 20 percentage points, up significantly by 15 percentage points. The mean score is 2.5, meaning between “quite distrust” and “half-half” in general. The net values of both popularity measures have registered new record high since May 2019.
As for people’s satisfaction with the current livelihood, political and economic conditions, the latest satisfaction rates are 15%, 15% and 10% respectively, while the net satisfaction rates are negative 46, negative 50 and negative 53 percentage points respectively, all having significantly increased since a month ago. Among them, the net satisfaction rate of the political condition has registered new record high since April 2019. The mean scores are 2.2, 2.0 and 2.1 respectively, meaning close to “quite dissatisfied” in general.
People’s Appraisal of Policy Areas of the Government
Recent figures on people’s appraisal of the five specific policy areas of the HKSAR Government are summarized as follows, in descending order of net satisfaction rates:
Date of survey | 14-21/6/18 | 17-20/12/18 | 24-28/10/19 | 14-17/4/20 | 23-26/11/20 | Latest change |
Sample size[9] | 588-666 | 512-540 | 519 | 582-617 | 516-523 | -- |
Response rate | 59.6% | 60.6% | 68.3% | 64.5% | 74.6% | -- |
Latest findings | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding | Finding & error | -- |
Relation with the Central Government: Satisfaction rate[10] | 52% | 56% | 17%[11] | 23%[11] | 33+/-4% | +10%[11] |
Relation with the Central Government: Dissatisfaction rate[10] | 33%[11] | 26%[11] | 60%[11] | 59% | 49+/-4% | -11%[11] |
Net satisfaction rate | 19% | 31%[11] | -43%[11] | -36% | -16+/-8% | +20%[11] |
Mean value[10] | 3.2 | 3.4[11] | 2.1[11] | 2.2 | 2.6+/-0.1 | +0.4[11] |
Protecting human rights and freedom: Satisfaction rate[10] | 36% | 35% | 22%[11] | 24% | 31+/-4% | +6%[11] |
Protecting human rights and freedom: Dissatisfaction rate[10] | 49%[11] | 46% | 67%[11] | 63% | 52+/-4% | -11%[11] |
Net satisfaction rate | -13% | -11% | -45%[11] | -39% | -21+/-8% | +17%[11] |
Mean value[10] | 2.7 | 2.7 | 2.0[11] | 2.2 | 2.4+/-0.1 | +0.2[11] |
Maintaining economic prosperity: Satisfaction rate[10] | 46% | 48% | 14%[11] | 24%[11] | 19+/-3% | -5%[11] |
Maintaining economic prosperity: Dissatisfaction rate[10] | 35%[11] | 31% | 68%[11] | 59%[11] | 56+/-4% | -4% |
Net satisfaction rate | 10%[11] | 17% | -54%[11] | -35%[11] | -37+/-7% | -2% |
Mean value[10] | 3.0 | 3.1 | 2.0[11] | 2.4[11] | 2.3+/-0.1 | -- |
Pace of democratic development: Satisfaction rate[10] | 29% | 34% | 15%[11] | 21%[11] | 21+/-4% | -- |
Pace of democratic development: Dissatisfaction rate[10] | 55%[11] | 50% | 70%[11] | 64%[11] | 60+/-4% | -4% |
Net satisfaction rate | -26%[11] | -16% | -55%[11] | -43%[11] | -39+/-7% | +4% |
Mean value[10] | 2.4[11] | 2.6 | 1.9[11] | 2.1[11] | 2.1+/-0.1 | +0.1 |
Improving people’s livelihood: Satisfaction rate[10] | 34%[11] | 33% | 15%[11] | 23%[11] | 18+/-3% | -5%[11] |
Improving people’s livelihood: Dissatisfaction rate[10] | 47%[11] | 46% | 72%[11] | 62%[11] | 59+/-4% | -3% |
Net satisfaction rate | -13%[11] | -13% | -57%[11] | -39%[11] | -41+/-7% | -2% |
Mean value[10] | 2.7[11] | 2.7 | 1.9[11] | 2.3[11] | 2.2+/-0.1 | -- |
[9] Before March 2020, weighted count was used to report subsample size. Starting from March 2020, raw count was used instead.
[10] Collapsed from a 5-point scale. The mean value is calculated by quantifying all individual responses into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 marks according to their degree of positive level, where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest, and then calculate the sample mean.
[11] The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.
The latest net satisfaction rates of all five specific policy areas of the HKSAR Government are negative. The net satisfaction rates of the government’s performance in handling its relation with the Central Government, protecting human rights and freedom, maintaining economic prosperity, its pace of democratic development and improving people’s livelihood are negative 16, negative 21, negative 37, negative 39 and negative 41 percentage points respectively. Among them, the net satisfaction rates in handling its relation with the Central Government and protecting human rights and freedom have significantly increased by 20 and 17 percentage points respectively. The mean values of these five specific policy areas range from 2.1 to 2.6, meaning between “quite dissatisfied” and “half-half” in general.
Public Sentiment Index
The Public Sentiment Index (PSI) compiled by POP aims at quantifying Hong Kong people’s sentiments, in order to explain and predict the likelihood of collective behaviour. PSI comprises 2 components: one being Government Appraisal (GA) Score and the other being Society Appraisal (SA) Score. GA refers to people’s appraisal of society’s governance while SA refers to people’s appraisal of the social environment. Both GA and SA scores are compiled from a respective of 4 and 6 opinion survey figures. All PSI, GA and SA scores range between 0 to 200, with 100 meaning normal.
The chart of PSI, GA and SA are shown below:
![]() |
Latest figure | Public Sentiment Index (PSI): 68.8 (+11.2) |
Government Appraisal (GA): 71.7 (+7.9) |
Society Appraisal (SA): 65.3 (+12.1) |
Recent values of PSI, GA, SA and 10 fundamental figures are tabulated as follows:
Cut-off date | 4/9/20 | 24/9/20 | 8/10/20 | 22/10/20 | 13/11/20 | 26/11/20 | Latest change |
Public Sentiment Index (PSI) | 57.9 | 60.8 | 61.1 | 56.2 | 57.6 | 68.8 | +11.2 |
Government Appraisal (GA) | 65.2 | 65.2 | 65.8 | 61.2 | 63.8 | 71.7 | +7.9 |
Rating of CE | 28.1 | 27.5 | 28.6 | 27.2 | 30.8 | 33.5 | +2.7 |
Net approval rate of CE | -48% | -53% | -53% | -56% | -48% | -45% | +4% |
Mean value of people’s satisfaction with SARG | 2.1[10] | 2.1 | 2.1[10] | 2.0 | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | +0.2 |
Mean value of people’s trust in SARG | 2.4[10] | 2.4 | 2.4[10] | 2.3 | 2.3[10] | 2.5 | +0.3 |
Society Appraisal (SA) | 52.2[10] | 57.4 | 57.4[10] | 53.2 | 53.2[10] | 65.3 | +12.1 |
People’s satisfaction with political condition | 1.7[10] | 1.7 | 1.7[10] | 1.7 | 1.7[10] | 2.0 | +0.3 |
Weighting index of political condition | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | -- |
People’s satisfaction with economic condition | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | 2.1[10] | 2.0 | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | +0.2 |
Weighting index of economic condition | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | 0.33[10] | -- |
People’s satisfaction with livelihood condition | 2.0[10] | 2.1 | 2.1[10] | 2.0 | 2.0[10] | 2.2 | +0.1 |
Weighting index of livelihood condition | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | 0.35[10] | -- |
[12] POP will adopt the latest published figures when there are no respective updates.
As for the meaning of the score values, please refer to the following:
Score value | Percentile | Score value | Percentile |
140-200 | Highest 1% | 0-60 | Lowest 1% |
125 | Highest 5% | 75 | Lowest 5% |
120 | Highest 10% | 80 | Lowest 10% |
110 | Highest 25% | 90 | Lowest 25% |
100 being normal level, meaning half above half below |
The latest PSI stands at 68.8, up by 11.2 points from early November. It can be considered as among the worst 2% across the past 20 years or so. Among the two component scores of PSI, the Government Appraisal (GA) Score that reflects people’s appraisal of society’s governance increases by 7.9 points to 71.7, whereas the Society Appraisal (SA) Score that reflects people’s appraisal of the social environment increases by 12.1 points to 65.3. They can be considered as among the worst 3% and 1% across the past 20 years or so respectively.
Opinion Daily
In 2007, POP started collaborating with Wisers Information Limited whereby Wisers supplies to POP a record of significant events of that day according to the research method designed by POP. These daily entries would then become “Opinion Daily” after they are verified by POP.
For some of the polling items covered in this press release, the previous survey was conducted from 14 to 17 April, 2020 while this survey was conducted from 23 to 26 November, 2020. During this period, herewith the significant events selected from counting newspaper headlines and commentaries on a daily basis and covered by at least 25% of the local newspaper articles. Readers can make their own judgment if these significant events have any impacts to different polling figures.
26/11/20 | The Education Bureau introduces reforms to liberal studies. |
25/11/20 | Carrie Lam delivers her Policy Address. |
24/11/20 | The government tightens anti-epidemic measures and orders public venues to display QR codes for “Leave Home Safe”. |
21/11/20 | Police arrests 3 people including an online radio host who allegedly violated the national security law by providing financial assistance to secession. |
19/11/20 | The High Court rules that police officers not displaying their identification numbers violated the Bill of Rights. |
14/11/20 | The government tightens anti-epidemic measures and imposes mandatory testing. |
11/11/20 | NPCSC disqualifies 4 democrats in LegCo. |
1/11/20 | Police arrests 6 democrats who allegedly violated the LegCo Powers and Privileges Ordinance. |
31/10/20 | Seven defendants accused of rioting on 31 August 2019 are found not guilty. |
21/10/20 | Cathay Pacific announces massive lay-offs and closes Cathay Dragon. |
12/10/20 | Carrie Lam postpones Policy Address. |
10/10/20 | Police arrests 9 people on suspicion of helping the 12 Hong Kong people now being detained in Shenzhen flee Hong Kong. |
6/10/20 | The Education Bureau deregisters a primary school teacher for professional misconduct. |
1/10/20 | Police arrests at least 86 protesters in various districts including Causeway Bay. |
30/9/20 | Luo Huining, Tung Chee-hwa and principal officials of Hong Kong celebrates the 71st anniversary of the founding of the PRC. |
22/9/20 | Police changes the definition of “media representatives” under the Police General Orders. |
21/9/20 | Stock price of HSBC Holdings hits 25-year low. |
14/9/20 | The Universal Community Testing Programme ends with 1.78 million people participated and 32 new cases found. |
11/9/20 | The jury in the Coroner’s Court returns an open verdict in the death of Chan Yin-lam. |
10/9/20 | Police arrests 15 people on suspicion of defrauding and money laundering by trading Next Digital shares. |
27/8/20 | China Coast Guard intercepted a speedboat to Taiwan on August 23 and arrested 12 young Hong Kong people. |
26/8/20 | Police arrests 13 people who were not “people in white” for rioting in the 7.21 incident. |
25/8/20 | The government relaxes anti-epidemic measures. |
19/8/20 | Unemployment rate in Hong Kong rises to 6.1%. |
18/8/20 | The government announces the second round of Employment Support Scheme. |
11/8/20 | The NPCSC decides that the current Legislative Council shall continue to discharge duties for no less than one year. |
10/8/20 | Police searches Next Media and arrests Jimmy Lai, Agnes Chow and other people under national security law. |
8/8/20 | The Hong Kong government issues statement condemning US sanction on 11 Chinese or Hong Kong government officials. |
31/7/20 | The government postpones the Legislative Council election for a year. |
30/7/20 | Nominations of 12 democrats for Legislative Council election are invalidated. |
29/7/20 | All-day dine-in ban takes effect, forcing people to eat in the streets. |
28/7/20 | HKU Council decides to dismiss Benny Tai with immediate effect. |
27/7/20 | The government tightens restrictions of group gatherings to 2 people and imposes all-day dine-in ban. |
19/7/20 | The government announces that some civil servants will work from home and makes wearing of masks mandatory in indoor public places. |
15/7/20 | US President Donald Trump signs the Hong Kong Autonomy Act. |
13/7/20 | The government tightens restrictions of group gatherings to 4 people and imposes dine-in ban during nighttime. |
5/7/20 | Local infections with coronavirus appear in Hong Kong again. |
4/7/20 | Nine books related to politics are taken off shelf in public libraries and put under review. |
1/7/20 | Ten people are arrested for allegedly violating the national security law in the July 1 protest. |
30/6/20 | The national security law is passed and comes into effect. |
16/6/20 | The government relaxes restrictions and allows group gatherings of up to 50 people. |
9/6/20 | The government announces investment of $27.3 billion in Cathay Pacific Airways to avoid its collapse. |
8/6/20 | The government announces the arrangements for $10,000 cash payout. |
4/6/20 | June 4 vigils are held in various districts. |
2/6/20 | Local infections with coronavirus appear in Hong Kong again. Prohibition on group gathering is extended for 14 days. |
29/5/20 | Donald Trump announces new measures toward China and Hong Kong and says China has replaced one country, two systems with one country, one system. |
27/5/20 | Over 360 people are arrested in protests against the National Anthem Bill and the national security law. |
24/5/20 | People rally against the national security law on Hong Kong Island. Over 180 people are arrested. |
21/5/20 | National People’s Congress will deliberate on national security law in Hong Kong. |
16/5/20 | Two managers of liberal studies resign from the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. |
15/5/20 | Independent Police Complaints Council releases a report saying there is no evidence of casualties in the Prince Edward MTR incident on August 31. |
13/5/20 | Two local infections with coronavirus end Hong Kong’s 23-day streak of no local transmission. |
12/5/20 | The government relaxes eligibility criteria to the Wage Subsidy Scheme. |
8/5/20 | Eleven democrats get thrown out after conflicts occur in a meeting of the House Committee of the Legislative Council. |
4/5/20 | Hong Kong’s GDP drops by 8.9% year-on-year in the first quarter. |
3/5/20 | The government will distribute reusable masks. |
21/4/20 | The Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office issues multiple statements to criticize Dennis Kwok. |
18/4/20 | 15 pan-democrats including Martin Lee and Jimmy Lai are arrested. |
14/4/20 | Carrie Lam claims the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office and the Liaison Office did not interfere in Hong Kong affairs. |
Data Analysis
Our survey shows that the popularity rating of CE Carrie Lam now stands at 33.5 marks. Her net popularity is negative 45 percentage points. These figures have not changed much from half a month ago, but the rating has registered a new record high since early June 2019 when the anti-extradition bill movement started. The latest net satisfaction of the HKSAR Government stands at negative 43 percentage points while the net trust value is negative 20 percentage points, up significantly by 15 percentage points, both net values have registered new record high since May 2019. People’s net satisfaction rates with the current livelihood, political and economic conditions are negative 46, negative 50 and negative 53 percentage points respectively, all with significant increment since a month ago. Among them, the net satisfaction rate of the political condition has registered a new high since April 2019.
The latest net satisfaction rates of all five specific policy areas of the HKSAR Government are negative. The net satisfaction rates of the government’s performance in handling its relation with the Central Government, protecting human rights and freedom, maintaining economic prosperity, its pace of democratic development and improving people’s livelihood are negative 16, negative 21, negative 37, negative 39 and negative 41 percentage points respectively. Among them, the net satisfaction rates in handling its relation with the Central Government and protecting human rights and freedom have significantly increased by 20 and 17 percentage points respectively.
As for the PSI, the latest figure is 68.8, up by 11.2 points from early November.