
香港民研主席鍾庭耀就社會現狀發表聲明 (2019-11-05)

Robert Chung the President of HKPORI responds to the current condition (2019-11-05)

 2019115日 新聞公報







(1) 調查明確顯示,大部分市民認為警隊已經出現濫捕、失控等不專業行為。結合其他民情指標和一般觀察,香港警隊已經失去民意支持,完全偏離警隊在1994年成立服務質素監察部後的良好作風。

(2) 香港警隊不應自恃因為得到特首拒絕獨立調查和中央政府機械化的支持便忘記服務人民的初心。中國人民解放軍在1989年前享盡美譽,是因為其紀律嚴明和以保衛人民為使命。警隊高層如果繼續容許個別警員濫用暴力,以為得到特首保護便可為所欲為,他朝一日,特首換人,中央政府嚴查過失,警隊將會無地自容。

(3) 警隊失信、警員失控,已經導致民間暴力升級,紅黃藍白黑五道縱橫,群眾互毆,造就恐佈主義萌芽。他朝一日,軍隊取代警隊,香港警察將會永世沉淪。

(4) 本人再次呼籲所有警員在出勤時,包括俗稱速龍小隊的成員,都要在制服上明確顯示警員編號。同時,警員不可再喬裝示威者,讓市民明確判別示威者的行為。

(5) 本人同時呼籲:示威者停止肢體抗爭,集中精力透過選舉及一切非暴力方法去宣示訴求,喚醒同胞,爭取國際輿論,讓我們香港人與世界同行。

有關傳媒查詢,請致電3917 7700聯絡李小姐或彭小姐。

Press Release on November 5, 2019


Press Conference Live

Robert Chung the President of HKPORI responds to the current condition


After releasing Report No.4 of “We Hongkongers” rolling survey, Robert Chung, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI), made these comments today:


(1) Survey results clearly show that the majority of Hongkongers believe the Police Force has acted unprofessionally in making indiscriminate arrests and losing self-control. Combined with other public sentiment indicators and observations, the Hong Kong Police Force has lost public support and completely deviated from its good practices after the establishment of the Service Quality Wing in 1994.


(2) The Hong Kong Police Force should not forget its initial mission of serving the people due to Chief Executive’s refusal to conduct independent inquiry and the mechanical support of the Central Government. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army enjoyed a great reputation before 1989 because of its strict discipline and its mission to protect the people. If the senior management of the Police Force continues to allow individual officers to practice police brutality, thinking that they can do whatever they like under the protection of the Chief Executive. One day, when the Chief Executive is changed and the Central Government conducts investigation, the Police Force will be shamed.


(3) The loss of confidence in the Police Force and the loss of control of police officers have led to an escalation of civil violence. Regardless of which camp or spectrum they belong to (red, yellow, blue, white, black), people beating up each other has generated the bud of terrorism. One day, when the Army replaces the Police, the Hong Kong police will just sink into vanity.


(4) Once again I urge all police officers including members of the STC (Special Tactical Contingent) must clearly display their identification numbers at the field. At the same time, police officers should stop disguising demonstrators and let the public pass judgement on the demonstrators without ambiguity.


(5) Meanwhile, I also urge the protesters to stop physical confrontations, and concentrate on pressing their demands through elections and non-violent means, in order to awaken compatriots, fight for international support, and let We Hongkongers go for World Connect.



For media enquiry please call Ms Lee or Ms Pang at 3917 7700.




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