
香港民研主席鍾庭耀就特首林鄭月娥的講話發表意見 (2019-09-05)

Robert Chung the President of HKPORI responds to CE’s announcement (2019-09-05)




(一) 香港民研響應特首的呼籲,會就特首講話的民意效應進行分析,在下星期二的民意調查發布會中詳細公布結果。贊助調查的市民和團體,甚至是政府機構,則可於一日前優先獲得結果,所有贊助將會全數撥作定期調查的經費。

(二) 特首呼籲社會人士透過對話平台探討解決困局的方法,本人提醒特首不可偏聽、不可閉門造車、更不可預設結論。對話平台應該交由獨立人士設計和主理,優先處理撤回條例以外的四項訴求。

(三) 關於成立調查委員會的訴求,特首可以即時劃線,之前的事,儘快與市民商討如何調查而不排除任何方案。劃線之後,再有警員使用過分暴力或涉嫌黑白勾結的話,則必以獨立委員會調查到底,以展真相。

(四) 特首呼籲重建社會秩序,本人認為需要多方配合,先消除官方的言論暴力,再解除白色恐怖,然後處理制度暴力和警民關係的問題。這樣的話,肢體抗爭自然會慢慢減退。


傳媒查詢,歡迎致電3917 7700聯絡李小姐或彭小姐。


Robert Chung the President of HKPORI responds to CE’s announcement

The Chief Executive Carrie Lam yesterday announced the formal withdrawal of the Fugitive Offenders Bill when the Legislative Council resumes, she also invited professionals and academics to independently study society's deep-seated problems. Robert Chung, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI), responded to CE’s announcement with four observations:

(1) Our Institute will respond to CE’s call by running in-depth analysis on the effect of her announcement on people’s sentiment. They will be released next Tuesday in our regular press conference. Sponsors of the survey including general citizens, organizations and even government units can obtain the findings one day earlier. All proceeds will be used to fund our regular tracking surveys.

(2) CE has also called for direct dialogue with the community to look for solutions, I would like to remind her not to be partial in hearing views, not to enclose herself behind doors, and not to make presuppositions before listening. These dialogue platforms should better be designed and managed by independent people, and they should address the four remaining demands as their first priority.

(3) Regarding the setting up of a commission of inquiry, CE can draw a line right now so that whatever happened before would be subject of public deliberation yet without ruling out any possibility. In case there is any misuse of police power or alleged collusion between police and triads after the line is drawn, an independent commission can be set up to conduct a thorough investigation.

(4) CE has called for the restoration of social order, I believe it requires the coordination of many parties. Verbal violence by official spokespersons and media must stop first, followed by the removal of white terror and institutional violence, and then the mending of police-public relations. In this way, physical violence will subside in time.

Robert Chung added, whether the four actions announced by the CE would work or not depends not so much on their details but on the sincerity of the CE herself.

For media enquiry please call Ms Lee or Ms Pang at 3917 7700.



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