
香港民研正在籌備發放第一次民意調查 (2019-07-12)

HKPOP Preparing its Maiden Survey Release (2019-07-12)

2019712 新聞公報



  1. 香港民意研究所轄下的香港民意研究計劃(香港民研,前身為港大民研)得到市民捐助,經已完成第一次專列調查,預計在7月16日(星期二)舉行新聞發布會公布結果,項目包括特首民望、司局長及立法會議員民望、以及台灣及西藏問題。
  1. 香港民研現在誠邀各位市民及機構,以具名或匿名方式每題 $8,000贊助任何一條專列調查題目。贊助人士或機構可於結果公開前一天預先獲得結果,隨意使用或發放。所有贊助款項將會撥作持續營運調查專列的經費,延續民研計劃28年來的堅持。是次專列調查的題目如下:


  • 請你對特首林鄭月娥嘅支持程度給予評分,0分代表你對佢絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分特首林鄭月娥呢?
  • 假設明天選舉特首,而你又有權投票,你會唔會選林鄭月娥做特首?


  • 而家想請你用0至100分評價你對政務司司長張建宗嘅支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分政務司司長張建宗呢?
  • 假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免張建宗作為政務司司長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 而家想請你用0至100分評價你對財政司司長陳茂波嘅支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分財政司司長陳茂波呢?
  • 假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免陳茂波作為財政司司長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 而家想請你用0至100分評價你對律政司司長鄭若驊嘅支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分律政司司長鄭若驊呢?
  • 假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免鄭若驊作為律政司司長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?


  • 假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免...
  • 羅智光作為公務員事務局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 邱騰華作為商務及經濟發展局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 聶德權作為政制及內地事務局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 黃偉綸作為發展局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 楊潤雄作為教育局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 黃錦星作為環境局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 劉怡翔作為財經事務及庫務局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 陳肇始作為食物及衛生局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 劉江華作為民政事務局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 羅致光作為勞工及福利局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 李家超作為保安局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 陳帆作為運輸及房屋局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?
  • 楊偉雄作為創新及科技局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?


  • 請你講出最認識果十個立法會議員既名字。


  • 請你用0至100分評價你對 [XXX] 作為立法會議員嘅支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分佢呢?


  • 你有無信心大陸同台灣終於能夠統一?
  • 你贊唔贊成台灣重新加入聯合國?
  • 你贊唔贊成台灣獨立?
  • 你認為「一國兩制」呢種制度是否適用於台灣地區?
  • 你贊唔贊成西藏獨立?
  1. 發稿時候,蘋果日報已經確定贊助四條關於特首和律政司司長民望的問題,亦明白其他人士亦可同時贊助有關題目,香港民研特此鳴謝蘋果日報的支持。有關公民社會贊助事宜,請瀏覽香港民意研究所網站https://pori.hk

傳媒查詢電話:3917 7700

Press Release on 12 July 2019


HKPOP Preparing its Maiden Survey Release


  1. The Hong Kong Public Opinion Program (HKPOP, formerly the Public Opinion Programme of The University of Hong Kong, or HKUPOP) under the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute has finished its first omnibus survey supported by donations from fellow citizens. The results are expected to be released at a press conference to be held on 16 July, Tuesday. The survey items include the popularity of the Chief Executive, Secretaries of Departments, Directors of Bureaux and Legislative Councillors, as well as the Taiwan and Tibet issues.

  1. HKPOP now encourages fellow citizens and organizations to sponsor any questions of the omnibus survey at $8,000 each in named or anonymous ways. All sponsors will receive the results one day prior to the public release and they can use them in whatever way they like. All money received will be used for funding future omnibus surveys, as a continuation of our effort over the past 28 years. The questions of this omnibus survey are shown in the following:

Popularity of the Chief Executive

  • Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Chief Executive Carrie Lam, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Chief Executive Carrie Lam?
  • If a general election of the Chief Executive were to be held tomorrow, and you had the right to vote, would you vote for Carrie Lam?

Popularity of Secretaries of Departments

  • Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung Kin-chung?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Matthew Cheung Kin-chung as the Chief Secretary for Administration tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • Please rate your support of the Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo Po using a 0-100 scale. 0 stands for absolutely no support, 100 stands for absolute support, 50 stands for half-half. How would you rate the Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo Po?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Paul Chan Mo Po as the Financial Secretary tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Teresa Cheng as the Secretary for Justice tomorrow, how would you vote?

Popularity of Directors of Bureaux

  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Joshua Law as the Secretary for the Civil Service tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Edward Yau as the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Patrick Nip as the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Michael Wong as the Secretary for Development tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Kevin Yeung as the Secretary for Education tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Wong Kam-sing as the Secretary for the Environment tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of James Lau as the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Sophia Chan as the Secretary for Food and Health tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Lau Kong-wah as the Secretary for Home Affairs tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Law Chi Kwong as the Secretary for Labour and Welfare tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of John Lee as the Secretary for Security tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Frank Chan as the Secretary for Transport and Housing tomorrow, how would you vote?
  • If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Nicholas Yang as the Secretary for Innovation and Technology tomorrow, how would you vote?

Popularity of Legislative Councillors (First Stage)

  • Please name up to ten Legislative Councillors that you are most familiar with.

Popularity of Legislative Councillors (Second Stage)

  • Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to [XXX], with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate [XXX]?

Taiwan and Tibet issues

  • Are you confident in the ultimate reunification of Taiwan and Mainland China?
  • Do you agree to Taiwan rejoining the United Nations?
  • Do you agree to Taiwan becoming independent?
  • Do you think “One country, two systems” is applicable to Taiwan?
  • Do you agree to Tibet becoming independent?

  1. When this release is published, Apple Daily has already confirmed to sponsor 4 questions related to the popularity of the Chief Executive and Secretary of Justice Teresa Cheng, on the understanding that other people can also co-sponsor these questions. HKPOP hereby expresses its gratitude for the support from the Apple Daily. For details about the civic society sponsorship, please visit the website of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute at https://pori.hk.

Media Enquiry Number: 3917 7700



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