

October Governance Continued

兩年前的十月, 我寫道:「傳統上,十月份是香港施政年度的開始…… 1992年10月是民研團隊第一次進行施政報告即日調查,一做就是30年…… 經過一番討論和思考,我們決定繼續進行即日調查,及以網上組群進行期望調查和後續調查。對比1997,是一個倒退,但對比2020,則可算是重新上路。一國兩制後半期的發展,是否容得下科學與民主?民研的發展就是一個指標。」



此外,由於本人將於年底卸任世界民意研究學會(WAPOR)會長的職位,本人將可騰出更多時間處理本地民研的事務。不過,本人過去兩年透過領導世界民研獲取的心得,包括對自由權利、專業素養、人文精神的執著,將不會改變。相反,本人更加希望把「香港」( HongKong )精神進一步提升至世界全人類( HumanKind)的水平,繼續在國際社會發揮作用。

In October two years ago, I wrote “Traditionally, October is the beginning of Hong Kong’s policy year… our team first conducted our policy address instant poll in October 1992, we persisted for 30 years… after much discussion and deliberation, we have decided to continue with our instant poll, and to conduct expectation and follow-up surveys online. Compared to 1997, it is a retrogression, but compared to 2020, it can be regarded as a new start. Is there room for science and democracy in the second half of Hong Kong’s one country two systems”? The development of PORI is an indicator.”

Two years later, we have decided to continue this tradition to run our 33rd survey, along with some new developments spanning over the coming three months. We will revamp our social media platforms, redesign our website, reorganize our data enquiry platform, promote deliberation activities, and enhance our membership system.

Our members will then be given priority access to our latest research findings and information, experts’ commentaries and educational materials. They will be given exclusive access to members’ newsletters, and invited to interact with our team.

Moreover, since I will finish my tenure as the President of WAPOR by the end of this year, I will have more time to handle local research matters. I will continue my commitment towards Liberty, Quality and Humanity, arising from my WAPOR reflections. I will also do my best to promote our Hong Kong Spirit, so that “HK” can one day become an acronym for both “HongKong” and “HumanKind”.



The success of HKPORI requires the support of our civil society in the forms of volunteerism, membership and sponsorship.


Professional Customized Research Services


With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
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