

From the President: PORI revises its strategy after July 1


HKPORI officially started to operate on July 1, 2019 after it left The University of Hong Kong. We will continue to wave the flags of science and democracy to serve all mankind, including of course our country and Hong Kong society. Five days ago, I said at the monthly press conference that PORI will consider a basket of six factors in deciding whether and how often to continue a tracking survey, namely, people’s interest, research value, cost-effectiveness, member opinions, historical value, and legal risks. Today, we announce the indefinite suspension of three tracking surveys due to zero download: the “Popularity of Executive Councillors” survey with 9 questions, the “June 4th Incident” survey with 9 questions, and the “HKSAR Anniversary” survey with 2 questions . However, in case a download will occur over the next six months, we may consider restarting the relevant survey. Record shows that these three surveys have already become annual surveys, which can hardly be further spaced out. Let me also add a note here: we have actually conducted a survey on “HKSAR Anniversary” in May this year, comprising two questions: “Are you proud of becoming a Chinese citizen after 1997?” and “How would you evaluate the central government’s policy towards Hong Kong since then?” We have conducted the survey but not yet uploaded the data to our enquiry platform. This corrects the information we shared with the press at our last press conference with an apology.



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Professional Customized Research Services


With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
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