今年一月,我就任世界民意研究學會會長,國際事務非常繁忙。四月中旬,我在學會網頁發放了上任一百天的總結,首次使用了十種人手翻譯和133種智能翻譯語言傳達訊息,算是一個突破。 我會適時在香港民研的網頁上介紹我的工作。5月4日是香港民研象徵式成立的日子,是我們的假期。民研選擇在五四運動一百週年啟動成立,是要高舉科學和民主的旗幟,為世界、國家、民族和社會的發展尋找新的方向。還有兩個月,民研進行的「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」系列便會完成25分報告,順利結束。民研歷史和世界定位,便要再次改變,各位可以拭目以待。
In January, I became the President of WAPOR. I was bogged down with international affairs very often. In mid-April, WAPOR uploaded my 100 days in office sharing, in 10 human and 133 machine translated languages. It was a breakthrough, I will explain more later. HKPORI was symbolically established on May 4, which becomes our annual holiday. We kickstarted ourselves on the centenary of the May Fourth Movement, in order to raise the banners of science and democracy, and to find a new direction for this world. Two months later, we will have completed all 25 reports of our “25th Anniversary of One Country Two Systems Mid-term Review” series. We will reposition ourselves again, please stay tuned.