香港民意研究所從即日開始,會集中透過電郵回覆傳媒查詢,以方便記錄有關查詢的時間和內容,並在必要時澄清我們的陳述。民研最近檢視了過去半年的工作,發現部份傳媒開始習慣使用不專業的手法處理查詢,甚至捏造虛假文件抹黑我們。民研每次都會按照事件的嚴重性考慮是否報警處理或者採取法律行動。不過,民研始終希望以公民教育方式處理有關事件,協助香港社會重回正軌。懇請注意:民研在正式辦公時間之外,未必可以迅速回應傳媒的查詢。民研的查詢電郵為[email protected],我們會在辦公時間分流處理。
Starting from today, HKPORI will centrally respond to all media enquiries via email, in order to record the time and content of such enquiries, and to clarify our answers when necessary. We have recently reviewed our work over the past six months, and found that some media have started to use unprofessional practices to handle enquiries, or even fabricate false documents to discredit PORI. Every time, PORI would consider whether to report to the police or take legal action in light of the seriousness of the case. All said, PORI still wants to handle these incidents as part of its civic education effort, in order to help Hong Kong society get back on track. Please note that PORI may not be able to respond to media enquiries promptly outside its office hours. PORI’s email address is [email protected], and we will handle them during office hours by triage.