A1:該部門認為以「政府部門 」的名義即可,傳媒及公眾可自行查詢。
Questions (simplified and sub-edited)
Q1: Which government department(s) contacted HKPORI?
Q2: What suggestions have they made about the release of the survey report?
Q3: Is the “risk assessment” related to the National Security Law or the Sedition Law?
Q4: Will HKPORI consider releasing the survey report some other time? Will HKPORI continue to conduct the survey on June 4th anniversary next year?
Replies from HKPORI
A1: The department considers it sufficient to be named as a “government department”, media or the public can make their own enquiry.
A2: They advised us not to release the survey report in view of their risk assessment.
A3: We were not told, and we did not ask. We respect their assessment, although we may not necessarily agree with their assessment should we have known the details.
A4: We were already in the process of reviewing our operation after July 1 this year, when this risk assessment came. We may continue to conduct some of our tracking surveys, and/or keep some of them for academic or private reference only, and/or stop some of the surveys. We have not yet decided where to put the June 4th anniversary survey, so we have not yet decided how to handle this year’s survey report.