

【After the Storm】 Is There Still Space for Polling in Hong Kong?

世界民意研究學會(WAPOR)每年舉辦周年大會,數以百計來自不同國家的民意研究學者,聚焦探討民意研究的國際發展。香港民研主席及行政總裁鍾庭耀,今年除了作為 WAPOR 會長出席這個年度盛事,更是作為香港人參與其中。他坦言,在七月出席會議期間,來自其他地方的同業會私下問到:香港還有空間做民調嗎?

► 國際社會看見的香港

香港在 2012 年曾經主辦 WAPOR 年會,是首個位處亞洲的年會東道主。12 年過去,鍾庭耀前往首爾出席第 77 屆 WAPOR 年會,他自身的遭遇以至香港的現況,成為了各地民意研究者關心的部分。

鍾庭耀綜合四日會期的觀察說:「12 年前來過香港的,會想現在再來香港會否有些不一樣了?自由空間收窄了?現在才認識香港的,從媒體報導見到很多東西都退步了,但他們心情上是半信半疑。」


► 香港之於國際社會

作為在國際組織出任要職的香港人,比起述說「香港」,鍾庭耀更希望的是透過行事方式展現香港人特質。他上任會長逾一年半,積極推動民意研究的國際發展,勤力程度嚇壞了 WAPOR 的同事,但見到會員人數屢創新高、機構受國際社會認可,同事也開始適應這種工作節奏。


► 科學家的信仰

從事民意研究接近 40 年,鍾庭耀總結民意研究的核心價值,認為最重要的是 humanity(人文精神),強調民意研究的服務對象是 humankind(人類)。回顧過去推進香港、WAPOR 以至人類歷史發展的工作,他發現自己熱切盼望著一個跨越國界的世界,儘管那在旁人看來近乎信仰。


The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) holds a conference annually, gathering hundreds of public opinion researchers from different countries to focus on the international development of public opinion research.This year, President and CEO of HKPORI Robert Chung attended the event both as the President of WAPOR and as a HongKonger. He admitted that during the conference in July, researchers from other places often asked him privately: Is there still space for polling in Hong Kong?

► Hong Kong in the Eyes of the International Community

In 2012, Hong Kong hosted the WAPOR annual conference, the first in Asia. Twelve years later, Chung attended the 77th WAPOR annual conference in Seoul. His personal experiences and the current situation in Hong Kong became areas of interest for researchers worldwide.

Chung observed over the four-day event, “Those who visited Hong Kong 12 years ago might wonder if Hong Kong is different now. Has freedom narrowed? Those who know Hong Kong recently just now have read negative media reports, but they are not too sure.”

Chung responds positively to such concerns, describing polling in Hong Kong as still free, though he acknowledges the city’s vitality and economy have declined. Regarding restrictions in polling, certain topics may touch the “red line,” which is already obvious in the media reports.

► Hong Kong’s Role in the International Community

As a HongKonger in an influential international position, Chung aims to showcase the qualities of Hong Kong people through his actions rather than just explanation. Over his year and a half as the President, he has actively promoted the international development of public opinion research. His diligence astonished WAPOR colleagues, but the growing membership and recognition by the international community have helped them adapt to this work pace.

“Hong Kong’s past international experience and our educational background contribute significantly to the international community,” Chung said, it is the message he hopes to convey. Hong Kong’s strength lies in its global perspective, and universal values should be the city’s guiding principles; only then will Hong Kong remain a part of the world.

► A Scientist’s Belief

With nearly 40 years in public opinion research, Chung concludes that the core value of this field is humanity, emphasising that public opinion research serves humankind. Reflecting on his efforts to advance the development of Hong Kong, WAPOR, and even human history, he found himself eagerly looking forward to a world that transcends borders, though it may seem more like a faith to many others.
(HKPORI’s Editorial)

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